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The Young Adult Housing Fundraiser
Beach Volleyball Tournament
Saturday, October 15, 2022

Bring your team and join us for a volleyball tournament brought to you by Class of 2023 Girls Volleyball students Ebersole, Erickson & Pyle! This fundraiser is being held for United Way of Delaware County's Women's Leadership Network. All proceeds benefit the Delaware County Housing Alliance's Young Adult Housing project. Proceeds will support the development of a dormitory-style community to provide support to transitional youth and offer a safe place to call home as they establish their independence.
TEAM DETAILS: 6 person co-ed teams (Each team must have a minimum of 2 females)
COST: $120 per team
TOURNAMENT SITE: Homestead Beer Company Delaware Public House (Previously Food Truck Depot) 59 Potter St Delaware, OH 43015
DAY OF DETAILS: First serve at noon!
Thank you to our sponsors!

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