A united way of delaware county Initiative
In response to COVID-19 and the impact it has had on schools, businesses and community partners, United Way of Delaware County remains committed to aligning with our partners to serve our neighbors in need during this difficult time. We are in contact daily with our hunger alliance, shelter and Strengthening Families partners—assessing needs, providing coordination and communication with local emergency management and department of health. We appreciate your patience as we work through many details and ever-changing circumstances.
The following plans are in place until further notice:
All Strengthening Families early childhood, afterschool and enrichment programming is cancelled until further notice. This INCLUDES the Toy Library, Teen Room, STEMPossible, Anime Club, Girls on the Run, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Positive Parenting, Dungeons and Dragons, Maker Annex (will follow the closure policy of the Delaware County District Library), Father Factor, Open Gyms and Delaware Speech and Hearing playgroups and assessments at Strengthening Families. See our latest list of ONLINE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES for things to do while home.
The United Way offices at the Willis Education Center are closed and staff are working remotely. The best way to contact a United Way staff member will be through email and/or by phone at 740-417-4733. The United Way of Delaware County Gemini office can be reached at 614-436-8929. Please leave a voicemail and a staff member will return your call.
The Family Resource Center, Pacer Pantry and Diaper Bank will be available by call-ahead appointment only. They can be reached at 740-833-1619. The Family Resource Center can also work with groups and individuals wishing to do a food collection drive.
Syntero is contacting clients and making arrangements, as appropriate, for appointments.
The Liberty Community Children's Center has been approved to operate as a Pandemic child care center and will be open Monday - Friday 6 am to 6 pm. The full list of pandemic childcare centers can be
found here.
Lutheran Social Services will keep their regular food pantry hours at the Willis Education Center on Tuesdays from 4:00-6:00 pm and Wednesdays from 12:00-2:00 pm. All food pantry operations will be offered outside of the Willis Education Center. No guests will be permitted in the building. For more information visit LSSfoodpantries.org or call 1-877-LSS-MEAL.
For all Hunger Alliance updates, visit LiveUnitedDelawareCounty.org/COVID-19
The Juvenile Court Assessment Center can be contacted at 740-816-3164.
For Legal Aid, please call 740-383-2161. It may be necessary to leave a message when calling. They are not seeing walk-in clients at this time until further notice, and all intakes and consultations will be done by phone.
Delaware Speech and Hearing Center's Speech/OT Departments are closed and will have teletherapy options for all patients. The Audiology Department will have limited schedules and will be providing any services that they can via phone or HIPAA compliant videoconferencing. Delaware Speech and Hearing can be contacted at 740-369-3650.​
Additional Resources and Donation Information:
Please contact the Ohio Department of Health at 1-833-4-ASK-ODH or visit their website at Coronavirus.ohio.gov for information regarding the coronavirus.
The Delaware County Department of Job & Family Services has added a service to their Prevention, Retention and Contingency Emergency Assistance plan to give eligible families $100 per child, up to $300 max, for up to three months. If you have been financially affected by the COVID-19 Crisis, have children living in your home, and if your new monthly income falls below their stated guidelines, visit their website for the application and additional information.
Please contact Helpline at 2-1-1 or visit their website for information and resources or to inquire about potential volunteer opportunities.
To financially support our COVID-19 Community Response Fund which provides financial assistance to United Way partner agencies that are helping families during this crisis, GIVE NOW and select COVID19 Community Response Fund in the initiative dropdown.